
Some blogs I know

  • Freckles and Doubt
    Considering her mastery of narrative structure etc. (insert narrative structure here.....)
  • Trailer Park Refugee | just three shots of tequila away from a bar fight….
    Just three shots of tequila away from a bar fight...
  • Exile on Pain Street | Straddling the Hudson River. One foot in NYC, the other in suburban New Jersey.
    One man's story, etc.....
  • Fat Man on a Keyboard
    'At first they came for the smokers but I did not speak out as I did not smoke. Then they came for the binge drinkers but I said nothing as I did not binge. Now they have an obesity strategy...'
  • New York Bike Blog
  • Belgian Waffle
    Prolific? Bien sur. Waffle? Not a bit of it. The best thing to come out of Belgium since Leffe Blonde, and that is saying something.
  • Non-working monkey
    'Why taking work seriously turns you into a cock', among other lifesavingly important career advice.
  • Razorblade of life
    'Not so much cutting-edge as half-cut and still sliding'...
  • blue cat
    This blue cat fellow (he writes for the telly you know) issues forth an apparently effortless stream of grade-A funniness that has me overcome in turns by helpless laughter and shameful, powerful envy. There I've said it.
  • Joella
    Joella in Oxfordshire. Working for The Man while training to be a plumber (I think!). Loves gherkins, hates aubergines... and Fascists.
  • Bushra
    Bushra's blog/ homepage/ call it what you want
  • Dubsteps (formerly Hobo Tread)
    Thoughts of Skif, a Havant and Waterlooville fan exiled in Liverpool- possibly the most engaging non-league football writing to be found on the web- and with a little bit of politics, and plenty more beside!
  • Tired Dad
    The Man Who Very Nearly Fell Asleep
  • troubled diva.
    Mike, the self-styled 'Fairy Godmother of British Blogging'. He got us all published in a book, you know...
  • Private Secret Diary
    Dispatches from deepest Norfolk. Not that private and not that secret. Just consistently hilarious.
  • The man who fell asleep; Sadness and ecstasy in unequal measures
    The book inspired by this veteran site (A Year in the life of The Man Who Fell Asleep) features the 'sarcastic polar bears of north London' among other oddities that the author manages somehow to render absolutely plausible.
  • Pete Ashton's Internet Presence
    Birmingham's finest. Writing with enviable clarity on every subject under the sun since 2000 (a very long time indeed!). Now with added nice pictures of canals and stuff...
  • Looby
    'An awkward, clumsy fellow; a lubber; a novice'....a venerated (if refreshingly irreverent) blogging institution. Lancaster's very finest!
  • RichardHerring.com
    The comedian Richard Herring's kind of online diary thing. Always worth a visit.

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« 30 Songs: An Indiepop Odyssey; songs 22-24 | Main | A short post about Twiglets which suddenly turns alarmingy into a long one about the Dogme film 'Italian For Beginners', before getting a grip of itself and ending up back with the Twiglets again. »

December 19, 2005




Your adherence to the rules puts me to shame! Might have to go and have a bit of a rewrite :)

Jo Myhill

Much cooler mate eh? Compliment indeed from one who oozed coolness in our humble abode beneath the tyre factory. Only the other day I was looking at photos from those days, your birthday I think, a motley collection of indie cool and grebo long haired individuals!

Love the indie pop odyssey glad to see some Wonderstuff and Mighty Lemon Drops.



A stellar post. Age thirteen was my personal favourite :-)

Martin Q

School semolina trauma... nuff said!

What a fantastic idea, and of course Jonathan pulls it off so well... Keep it up, and merry Christmas from over here mate.


Oooh! Lots of comments to reply to and no bothersome wordcount restrictions in this here box...

Well Stressqueen you did say you were not going to be able to resist toying with your original effort.. now you have an excuse..

Good to hear from you Jo from Wolves... I have just sent you an email!

Merry Christmas to you to Martin- glad to see you got 'over there' in one piece.. who would have imagined you could get a train from Levenshulme station direct to Eastern Europe.. I will have to try that Platform 2 sometime...

And thank you Iain- I should probably admit that I can't take credit for age 13, those words come from an old Billy Bragg song ... I will take credit for counting them, however.


He he! That's great Jonathan. I'm sure it took a lot of writing and deleting and rewriting, but it sounds so natural.

I also strongly empathise with the slight "drifter" feeling that comes across there :)


And there I was, thinking you were a talented wordsmith ;-)


Took on the challenge myself, although it's not in your league. Still good fun to try though.


Well how wonderful to read something containing a lyric from my favourite Billy Bragg song. I just know i'm going to be singing that all week now. 'I'll never forget the first time i met her...'

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